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WHOAMI Select - Pieces Of Time
Photography (Product)

Origin: South Korea
Herbarium is a technique that allows a plant to be kept intact in a bottle of special solution.
The pieces of time, handmade from preserved flowers and dried plants in Korea, are inspired by Mother Nature's changing appearances over time and seasons. Looking into the sunlight, the tranquil forest of plants feels like a land-scape. Collect time-scraping pieces with new designs every season
Herbarium 是一種能把植物完整持久保存於玻璃樽內的技術。
由韓國花藝師,以保鮮花和乾花全人手製作而成的Pieces of Time,是啟發於大自然不同季節的萬物變化。
在陽光下探看每瓶Pieces of Time. 就像把綺麗的大自然風景,盡收在眼簾下。
  • 韓國手工製(包括花瓶)
  • 植物顏色維持1-3年

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+852 64810407